Goldust Bashes 'Black Reign', Snitsky-Twitter, Former Diva Arrested
– On Twitter, Goldust has received a number of questions and comments concerning his split personality persona in TNA Wrestling, Black Reign. He has asked fans not to mention it. "Listen guys black reign sucked, keep it goldie," he wrote. Black Reign was voted Worst Gimmick of 2007 in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter awards.
– Former WWE star Gene Snitsky has surfaced on Twitter. You can visit his page at He has plans to release his first t-shirt, which reads "It's Not My Fault." You can view a photo of the t-shirt at
– A new episode of Legends of Wrestling premieres June 16 on WWE Classics On Demand. The episode will take a look at wrestling in the 1970s.
– A judge has dropped DUI charges against WWE developmental women's wrestler Karlee Perez (a/k/a Liviana), 24. Prosecuting attorneys dropped her case after she requested a jury trial. She also received her driver's license back. Perez was arrested on the morning of Sunday, June 14, 2009 on charges of Driving under the Influence. Perez was stopped at Kennedy Boulevard W/Moody Avenue N in Tampa, Florida. She was released later that day on $500 bond.