**SPOILERS** TNA IMPACT! Results For 6/3

Thanks to Tim Capture and WNW, below are partial TNA iMPACT spoilers for the June 3rd, 2010 episode on Spike. The rest will be taped tomorrow night.

* Sting is out. He says not everything is as it seems. Coming from him it might seem ironic but there's a lot of smoke and mirrors going on. He's been in this place before where he needs to defend his reputation. He feels he doesn't have to. He'll reveal the meaning of his actions soon enough. He doesn't know RVD that well and RVD doesn't know him that well. RVD was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. When he takes the title from RVD the curtain will be pulled back and everyone exposed. The arena goes dark and footage of Sting's recent action plays on the screen. Eric Bischoff comes out using a crutch with Miss Tessmacher. He has the spotlight put on Sting. He's known Sting a long time and he thinks Sting's trying to prove to people that he's a superhero for so long he's lost sight of the truth. It's not about him, it's about the company, not just one person. It's about the action and tonight he'll be in action. Samoa Joe sneaks in behind Sting and Bischoff announces him as Sting's opponent. Joe attacks Sting but Matt Morgan runs down and attacks Joe. Sting and Morgan beat on Joe till RVD runs down for the save. Bischoff says this isn't over and will continue later as a tag match. Samoa Joe & RVD vs. Sting & Matt Morgan. RVD gets on the mic and says hang on, every guy out here is in it for himself. He asks that the match be changed to a four way. Bischoff says he doesn't have that authority, then Hogan's music hits and out comes Hogan. He says RVD is the champ and that gives him some pull around here so you've got it brother, this match is a four way.

* Rosie Lottalove (f–king really?)(new acquisition Mary Kate Duignan) vs. Roxxi. During the match, Madison Rayne runs down and gives Roxxi a belt shot while the ref isn't looking. Rosie doesn't like it and argues with Madison. During this Roxxi schoolgirls Rosie for the win. Afterwards JB interviews Rosie and asks what was going on. She says if Madison thinks she can take out all the ugly people one at a time she's got another thing coming because she's big, she's bad, she's beautiful and she's got a whole lot of love for everybody. She lays a big kiss on JB and leaves.

*AJ Styles w/Ric Flair vs Kazarian vs Jay Lethal. Winner via quick roll up, Jay Lethal. The whole match AJ and Kazarian were arguing over who does cooler moves or what to do next to Lethal. Lethal got the win while they were arguing.

* Afterwards Flair gets in the ring and yells at AJ. He gave AJ the honor of being his protege and he gets beat by Jay Lethal? He tells him to go home and think about who he wants to be because right now he's not in Ric's good graces. He continues belittling AJ and telling him to go home and make a lifetime decision. On his way to the back Angle comes out and gets in AJ's face. AJ yells some things at him and leaves. Angle heads to the ring. He gets a mic and says he came to show Kazarian the proper respect before he makes him his first victim. He likes to let his opponents know what he's going to do to him. He plans to retain his belt and Kaz is #10 so at Slammiversary he's his opponent. Flair asks if he realizes he just past by him? He says he wants his son Reid to be like Angle, the greatest amateur wrestler. Flair came to Angle for help and out of respect Angle did. But now they're in Flair's world and whatever Angle did as an amateur he's done 10 times over. In wrestling he's a god. He gives Hogan respect, he gives Sting respect and until Angle realizes that he gives him no respect. He tells Angle to leave. He says show him respect and leave before he takes his sport coat off. He says hang on and show me respect and let him show how a god acts. Angle holds the ropes open for Flair and then attacks Flair on the way out. Kaz tries to attack Angle but he tosses him out of the ring.

* Matt Morgan vs. Sting vs. Samoa Joe vs. Rob Van Dam. Hernandez showed up in the stands and distracted Morgan. Samoa Joe grabbed Morgan and gave him a Musclebuster. RVD then hit Joe with a top rope sidekick and then gave Morgan a 5 star frog splash for the win. Afterwards Joe and RVD had words and left.

