More On The Martha Hart Lawsuit Inside Here - Details

The Vancouver Sun has a piece on Martha Hart's lawsuit against the WWE and Vince and Linda McMahon up available at Some of the highlights are below:

WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt stated in regards to Martha's claim that the company agreed to no longer use Owen Hart's name and likeness, "We own the copyright (to footage featuring Owen Hart) and we believe we're fully within our rights under the contract to do exactly what we did." The article stated that McDevitt "insists that there is no provision in the 2000 settlement agreement" that would have led to WWE giving up its rights to the footage.


McDevitt stated that several months back, Hart filed an injunction to try and prevent the Canadian release of the Hart & Soul documentary and DVD set. Ontario courts denied the injunction. Yesterday McDevitt stated the company had not heard from Martha since 2000.

Owen's brother Ross Hart commented on the lawsuit by saying, "If (WWE) exploited (Owen's) name negatively...I can understand, but this really was a documentary about the whole family. It was done in pretty good taste, even by WWE standards." He also stated that "Wrestling is really what made Owen famous and successful and such a legend and you can't erase that," Ross said. "As tragic and wrongful as his death was, you can't erase his legacy and what he accomplished in wrestling."

