WWE Fatal 4 Way: U.S. Championship - The Miz (C) Vs. R-Truth

The following is from our live coverage of WWE Fatal 4 Way. To access our full coverage, click here. For quick notes during each match, follow us on Twitter by clicking here.

United States Heavyweight Championship Match
The Miz (c) vs. R-Truth

R-Truth gained the advantage early, but it was short-lived as the Miz took control and maintained the advantage in the match. Crowd has quieted down considerably.

R-Truth had bursts of offense, but Miz would quickly regain the advantage. Late in the match, Miz hit a backbreaker/neckbreaker combination, but Truth kicked out at two. He charged at Truth in the corner but Truth moved out of the way. Truth hit a scissors kick and got a two count.

Truth went for a crossbody off of the top rope, but Miz moved out of the way. Miz went to take advantage, but Truth rolled him up for a two count. Truth went to roll up Miz, but Miz pushed forward with his knees on Truth's shoulders and got the three count out of nowhere.

The Miz pinned R-Truth to retain the WWE United States Championship.

