Bryan Danielson Blogs - Hectic Schedule, T-Shirts, & Lots More

Bryan Danielson has posted a new blog entry at Here it is:

"First off, I'd like to apologize to all of the people who ordered shirts over the last several weeks. A mistake was made where the shirts were printed on the wrong color shirt, so it took me an extra week and a half before the shirts arrived. I expected the new shirts last week but unfortunately wasn't able to pick them up until Tuesday. But don't worry, all the domestic orders were shipped out yesterday and all the international orders were shipped out today. Again, I apologize for the delay, but all the shirts are now on their way! Now on to the fun stuff.

Last weekend my schedule went something like this: Depart Las Vegas at 7 am on my way to Atlanta, where I met up with TJ Perkins. Then Atlanta to Dusseldorf, arriving at 8 am German time. Drive an hour to our holding tank where I sleep from 10 am to 12 pm. Then drive from holding tank to the building, arriving sometime around 2:30 pm. Show starts around 5:30ish, so I take a nap. Wake up just in time for my first match, which is the opener. Then wrestle again in the semi-main. Then approximately 3 minutes to the hotel to shower. Then off to find food. No luck finding vegan food, so back to the hotel to eat almonds. Then back out to meet the boys at a "Beach Party." No water, but plenty of sand. We DANCE, German style, until 3 am, then carry the drunkards back to the hotel. Then sleep. Wake up around 9 am. Try to sleep more but no luck. Leave at 12 for the arena, which is 3 minutes away. Wrestle 3 times. Shower. Drive to hotel, arriving at 7 pm. Eat. Sleep. Wake up at 1 am. Read. Leave for airport at 6:45 am. Depart Dusseldorf around 9. Arrive Atlanta, run into Chavo Guerrero. Fly back to Las Vegas, arriving at 5:45 pm. Sleep.

The second show I did, called Ambition (presented by WXW), was fantastic. Unfortunately, mainstream wrestling hasn't evolved much in the last 10 years. Often times its left to the independents to try something new and often times these new concepts fail. Not so this weekend. The Ambition tournament was an attempt to make wrestling more legitimate, and used exclusively men with martial arts backgrounds. It wasn't MMA, nor was it trying to be. It was merely shifting the universe in which pro wrestling existed. New moves were made important, and deeper stories were woven throughout the matches. It's one thing for me to think something was good, but it was clear that the 200 or so people who attended the show had a great time and approved of the new style. WXW told me that they are going to post one of the matches on youtube in a couple weeks and I'll post a link to it on my twitter. Check it out!

And finally, I'd like to give a big shout out to TJ Perkins (TJP), who I wrestled twice this weekend. I've known TJP since 2002, and despite only being 25 he's been wrestling for 10 years. He's one of my favorite wrestlers in the world to watch and is truly unique. I hadn't seen TJP in awhile, maybe 2 years, and was shocked to find out that he'd gotten even better. If you've never seen him or heard of him, look him up on youtube. If you like what you see there, consider checking out the EVOLVE 1 dvd (which can be found at His match with Munenori Sawa is one of the best matches I've seen this year. That's it for now and I'm hoping to write another blog on Monday!"

