Jim Ross Blogs About Batista Vs. Lashley, His Last Broadcast & More

Jim Ross has posted his latest blog up at JrsBarBQ.com. Here are some excerpts:

On The Elimination Chamber DVD: Emailer?Yes I saw the WWE produced "Satan's Prison' which is a collection of all the Elimination Chamber matches and it brought back a plethora of good memories. I especially enjoyed broadcasting the early ones because the concept was so fresh and new. One thing's for sure, an athlete needs to be as tough as a government mule to thrive and survive inside the Chamber. I suggest that you check out the DVD.

On One Last Broadcast: Emailer?Yes I would like to have a 'last broadcast' which isn't too unique for any broadcaster but if I don't I sure won't have any regrets regarding my career. It's far exceeded my expectations. No I do not want or deserve a Flair-like retirement presentation. Those types of presentations should be strictly reserved for wrestlers in my humble opinion. Plus, I might have a few more miles in the tank I can use somewhere down the road.

On Batista vs. Lashley: I'll believe the rumored Batista-Lashley PPV fight when I see it. Not trying to be overly pessimistic here but so much has to evolve for that fight to occur that I don't see it as a 'lay-up.' If the fight does come off, I'll certainly watch it and Lashley would be the heavy favorite.

Check out the full blog at https://www.jrsbarbq.com/

