Jim Ross Blogs About Sid & Randy Savage Returning To WWE & Bobby Heenan

Jim Ross has a new blog entry up at https://www.JRSBARBQ.com/ Here are the highlights?

On Bobby Heenan's health: The news of Bobby Heenan falling, apparently twice, and breaking his shoulder, pelvis,and hip are sobering. I think the world of 'The Brain' who will undergo shoulder surgery on August 4 and consider him a dear friend. When I first went to WWE in 1993 from the 'enemy' (WCW) Bobby and Gorilla Monsoon were the first two people who really took me in and made me feel welcomed in a new environment. They were in the minority but they had enough clout that it helped others come around to simply giving allowing themselves to get to know me and then make a decision based on fact not who my previous employer was.


There has been no better manager ever in the business than Bobby Heenan...period. He's the best all around performer in the history of the business when one takes into consideration his ability to wrestle, manage, talk, and be a TV personality. No one that I can think of ever exceeded Heenan's all around skill set.

Get well soon 'Wease' and remember that many, many fans love and respect you and think of you daily. You'll always be in our prayers.

On the WWE – Randy Savage relationship: I do not know any more than most fans about WWE's updated relationship with Randy Savage or what the future holds for WWE/Savage, if any thing. It seems that a marketing arrangement has or is being established and one could always speculate that could eventually morph into more. Yes, Randy Savage is deserving of the WWE HOF and perhaps one day he will be inducted which would be a great moment for his many, loyal fans. Until then, let's just sit back, be patient and wait.


On Sid returning to WWE: We're getting a great deal of questions regarding Sid returning to WWE. I'm not in the loop nor do I know WWE's plans or Sid's physical status. Does Sid even want to get back on the road to any degree? I have no idea but if I had to make a random guess I would suggest that WWE and Sid will likely never do any thing together in a significant way again. I certainly could be wrong because as I said I don't know WWE's plans other than they are definitely trying to get their roster 'younger.'

JR also talks about political ads against Linda McMahon and more. You can read the full blog by clicking here.

