**SPOILERS** WWE SmackDown! Results For Next Friday

Credit: Daniel Fr?hling and Pwinsider.com


Dos Caras Jr. (Alberto Del Rio) defeated Chavo Guerrero


* Rey comes out and says he's true to his fans and starts speaking in Spanish a lot and pretty much kissing up to the fans and saying he didn't take out the undertaker. Then Drew McIntyre comes out and says asks how Rey could have done such a thing. Drew wants to take out Rey just like he took out Christian last week when he hurt his arm. He challenges Rey to a match later and Rey accepts.


* Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Championship is announced for later tonight.

* Cody Rhodes beat Matt Hardy with the crossroads

* Backstage, Teddy is demanding that Laycool give up one of the belts, Michelle gives up hers after arguing with Layla but then they argue more and they end up breaking the other belt in half but they seem happy about it.

* Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Championship.
Vickie introduces Dolph Ziggler out: Ziggler becomes the NEW Intercontinental Champion after some interference from Vickie and then hitting the Zig Zag. Ziggler does a little celebration before Kofi goes bananas yet again and beats up Ziggler bad. Ziggler gets carried to the back.


* The Straight Edge Society vs. Big Show is announced for Summerslam

* Here comes the Straight Edge Society with Mercury, Gallows, Serena and Punk with his bald head. CM Punk shows footage from last week's beatdown on Big Show. the SES are proud of their handy work and punk asks his SES if they are happy and they say yes. He says don't be happy and to get on your knees and starts talking about that being happy makes them weak. He gives them a a little pep talk to get ready for their 6 man tag team match.

* MVP, Chris Masters, JTG vs. SES. SES wins after Luke Gallows pins MVP.

* They showed a video on the Ttitantron with Teddy talking with Jack Swagger. Swagger said it's Teddy's fault for what's going on with Kane and losing control. Teddy says he will not be in the triple threat match for the world title in the cage match later tonight and instead gives him the night off. I am not sure if this will be shown on TV, it looks like it was only for fans live since they mentioned the dark main event.

* Main Event: Rey Mysterio vs. Drew McIntrye: Rey Mysterio defeats Drew McIntrye with a rollup win. After the match, out comes Kane. Drew tosses Rey to Kane. Kane has brought a casket to the ring. Rey manages to escape and Rey then says he didn't take out the Undertaker, it was KANE!. Kane is in the ring just standing for a very long time looking up above to the ceiling. It looks like he was crying or getting mad or something, he didn't say a word and that's how it ended.

