Various News: Bobby Eaton Hospitalized, NXT Trademarks, More
Former Midnight Express member Bobby Eaton has been hospitalized in an Arkansas hospital with fluid around his heart.
The Ottawa Sun has posted an interview with Rick Bogner, who for a short time portrayed "Fake Razor Ramon" in WWE. Bogner discusses his career, portraying the Fake Razor, and why his early retirement due to a cracked vertebrae was a good thing. You can check out the interview at
Brian Gaynor sent this in: With respect to Acushnet opposing WWE's NXT trademarks, I wanted to point out two things (I am a trademark attorney):
1. They haven't actually opposed the applications yet. They merely filed an extension of time to oppose. This is common, and many times, no opposition is ever actually filed. Extensions are filed so the potential opposer can have time to investigate further, or possibly reach a settlement before incurring the expense of filing an actual opposition.
2. With regard to confusion, the issue isn't someone confusing golf balls with wrestling. WWE filed for 4 marks for NXT in Class 28 for toys and games. Acushnet's marks are in the same class. Golf balls and toys/games may not be identical, but they don't have to be .... they may be considered related enough for the USPTO to deny registration to WWE.