World Title Match For SummerSlam Set, Kane Note, MOM Opposing Linda, Austin Note

– For those of you who missed it last night, Rey Mysterio defeated Jack Swagger to become the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. Mysterio will face Kane for the title at SummerSlam.

– Speaking of Kane, he is set to appear on Fox Business Network tonight at 8 ET and tomorrow at 7 and 11 PM ET.

– Steve Austin was at Comic-Con at the Spike Booth yesterday. Jerry Lawler, Christopher Daniels, Ted Dibiase and Paul Heyman were amongst the other wrestling personalities at the festival yesterday.

– "Mother's Opposing McMahon" have created a new ad blasting the way WWE for the Eugene angle. The video shows clips of Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon dumping green paint on Eugene and stuffing his face in a toilet. You can see their ad below:

