Future WWE RAW Guests Hosts, Y2J & Kane Speak, More

– Chris Jericho did an interview with Slam Wrestling to promote SummerSlam, and in it he called the Nexus vs. WWE storyline "genius." Jericho said that it's getting new talent over and allowed him to tease a babyface turn. You can check that interview out at https://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/

– Having disappeared from the list of upcoming guest hosts earlier this week, Penn and Teller are once again showing on WWE.com as the hosts of the September 20 RAW. The list of future guest hosts now reads as follows:

* August 16 (night after SummerSlam): Justin Long, Charlie Day, and Jason Sudeikis from Going the Distance.

* September 20 (night after Night of Champions): Penn & Teller

* October 18: Bob'e J. Thompson, to promote Big Show's movie Knucklehead which comes out October 22.

* October 25 (night after Bragging Rights): Toby Keith

– The Flickcast has an interview with Kane from Comic-Con where he talks about being at Comic-Con, cashing in Money in the Bank on the same night, holding onto the World Heavyweight Title and more. You can check that out below:

