Huge Update - Daniel Bryan's Return To WWE + Future
– I knew about Bryan Danielson's return to WWE earlier this afternoon. I kind of hinted about it in a post earlier this evening when I said he cancelled indy bookings this weekend and also had an open date for the Night of Champions PPV next month.
– As noted earlier here on the website, spoiled the Daniel Bryan return by posting an article on his return shortly before it actually happened at Summerslam.
– The plan now is for Bryan to be on the RAW brand going forward and will also finish out his previously announced independent dates.
– Instead of confiscating signs during the show like they usually do, WWE had people confiscating signs at the door for Summerslam last night. Any signs related to Daniel Bryan or Bryan Danielson were taken and pre-made signs were given out in exchange.
– To keep the main event surprise secret, WWE did not allow anyone except those in the match itself view the run-through before the show.