Jim Cornette Says TNA Can't Succeed With Vince Russo And MMA Has Taken Wrestling Fans

Jim Cornette recently spoke to Fanhouse.com about appearing at the NWA Wrestling Legends Fanfest Weekend taking place on Aug. 5-8 in Charlotte, N.C. He talked about the current state of wrestling and much more, here are some excerpts:

On the future of wrestling: "MMA and the UFC have taken all of the pro wrestling fans because it's pro wrestling from 30 years ago, just in an Octagon and the fights happen to be real. But they're marketed exactly the same way. People want new stars, young athletes, a more serious approach. Athletic competition with interesting personalities with a hard sports edge and take the UFC fans back or at least entice a few of them to come back and then you'd have something."

On Vince Russo booking TNA: "Nobody can succeed with Vince Russo even working in the company, much less creative. And that is the one person Dixie Carter has protected at all turns. Nobody understands it. Nobody can explain it."

What interests him in wrestling today: "The only other thing that interests me in wrestling these days is Ring of Honor wrestling. That's my primary occupation these days and it's got the youngest talent roster in the business but they're so respectful and appreciative of the legends when they get a chance to meet them.

"It's great to see the new generation of the business but at the same time, once a year, visit with the older generation. My generation."

To check out the full interview, click here.

Source: Fanhouse.com

