WWE-TNA-ECW Legal Issues?, Jarrett's Surprise, Hogan

– TNA World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam is featured on the cover of the latest issue of Inside Wrestling. You can view the cover at https://www.pwi-online.com/

– Eric Bischoff recently tweeted that Hulk Hogan is considering joining the social networking website. "Just spoke to Hulk," Bischoff said. "He's thinking about launching a Twiiter site! (Never thought that would come off my keyboard). What do you think?"

– In a move that could have future legal implications, A&T U-verse specifically notes the term 'ECW' in its preview for tonight's HardCORE Justice pay-per-view event. The show is being advertised as "TNA wrestlers that have an ECW past."

– A few weeks ago on Twitter, Jeff Jarrett was posting hints concerning a "surprise." As we noted yesterday here on the site, he then wrote a few days ago that he stopped posting the hints due a non-disclosure agreement being signed. Yesterday, he clarified yesterday that he never said his "news" was wrestling related. Here is what he wrote: "FYI...I NEVER said my "news" I was going to talk about was wrestling related...but, a NDA was signed, so clues still to come...but later..."

