Aloisia Continues To Rant On Erotic Photos, More

AOL Fanhouse has an interview up with Aloisia about being removed from WWE NXT. It is pretty rare for WWE to allow talent to do interviews like this, so odds are she did it without their knowledge which will tick them off even further. Here's what she said about the photos that came out that lead to her NXT departure:

"They may have, they may have not. I really have no say. I do know it's a PG era for the WWE. I also know that every other diva has had some photos — racy photos or even pornography photos — that are out there of them. I really can't say."

WWE were apparently concerned that she had more stuff out there than just the photos, and so they decided not to risk the potential controversy. There are numerous erotic photos of her on the 'net including nude ones that we won't be posting here. It'd likely be a good idea on her part if she put an end to the interviews and twitter comments. Whether she wants to believe it or not, there are WWE officials who are not happy with her right now.

