Raven Blogs - Wrestling Deaths, Head Shots & Steroids

Raven updated his blog the other day. He had some strong comments directed towards the "sheet writers" on various wrestling topics.

On chair shots: "Chairshots to the head should only be banned if you dont know how to throw one properly. A suplex can be deadly in the wrong hands. If you throw a chair shot correctly, or know how to bump so the chair shot only grazes you hard enough to make a noise, they are fine. It is idiots who swing for the fences or morons who dont bump with them that should be banned. I guarantee you that more concussions are had by wrestlers from endless nonsensical high spots that the sheets promote as making a better match than chair shots to the head. I guarantee you that more concussions are had by wrestlers from working strong style that the sheets promote as making a better match than chair shots to the head."

On steroids: "The sheets crapped on the former ECW guys who werent in shape, but decry when wrestlers used steroids. Make up your mind. Benoit who until he became a double murderer was the biggest steroid user in the business and without steroids he never would have had a career, yet he was never buried for it. Other guys were. Dont you love people who pick and choose their favorites when condemning society."

On wrestling deaths: "Finally to all the sheet writers, if you were really as strongly convicted about stopping all the deaths in wrestling, you'd stop watching wrestling and supporting such a horrible business, you'd stop making money off it, you would try and get your readers to stop watching, and you would fight for what you claim to believe in, like getting us health care or what not. But no, you prefer to sit in your ivory tower decrying every death, then writing all about it waiting for the next death and continue to line your pocketbooks like the carpetbaggers you are. Which makes you pompous, holier than thou assholes."

