Three IMPACT! Tapings This Week + BFG Matches Revealed?

– Magnus posted the following on his Twitter, regarding not appearing at the PPV last night? Gutted that we couldn't face the guns for the titles, but there's a valid reason which I can't discuss. Rest assured we will get our shot.

– TNA tapes tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday for the September editions of TNA IMPACT!. TNA will then be live on October 7th as the go home show for Bound for Glory.

– According to the Bound for Glory website, the PPV will feature Ultimate X, Monster's Ball, and Steel Cage matches.

– Serena, who can be reached for bookings at, will be making the following independent appearances:

* October 30th: UWE Homecoming – Gladwin, MI
* November 13th: POWW Entertainment WrestleRage VIII – Villa Park, IL
* December 4th: Great Lakes Championship Wrestling Blizzard Brawl 6 – Waukesha, WI

