More On This Week's TNA IMPACT! Rating, Linda-Vince-WWE, More
– The Atlantic has an article on Linda McMahon, noting that WWE's demographic tends to have the worst rate of voting. You can check it out at
– Vince McMahon sent a bunch of WWE merchandise to the reporters that have been covering Linda's campaign, as well as Susan Bysiewicz who is the woman who made the initial announcement that WWE merchandise would need to be covered up at polling places.
– CT news has a story on whether Vince is helping or hurting Linda's campaign that you can see at
– Gator Sports has an article on Titus O'Neal returning to Gainesville, FL for the FCW show tonight that you can see at
– As noted earlier, last night's TNA iMPACT scored a a 1.13 (1.1) cable rating. This is down slightly from last week's 1.16 (1.2) cable rating. The show faced some strong competition with the Jersey Shore reunion special, the MLB World Series (game two), and several major NBA basketball games on TNT. We'll have more ratings updates shortly.