**SPOILERS** TNA IMPACT! Results For Next Thursday
Thanks to Eric for these TNA iMPACT spoilers from tonight's tapings in Orlando. These iMPACT spoilers will air next Thursday night, November 4th:
Dark Matches:
* Madison Rayne beat Jennifer Blake.
* Jay Lethal beat Brad Idol.
* Eric Young is on commentary.
* Jeremy Buck beat Jesse Neal.
* Abyss vs. The Pope went to a no contest after Abyss attacked fans. Pope challenged Abyss to a match where his congregation would be lumberjacks. Abyss accepted.
* Eric Bischoff came out in karate gear with Ric Flair. They announce that Matt Morgan is not an Immortal and not good enough to be with them. Mr. Anderson must pin Bischoff tonight to get a shot at Jeff Hardy tonight. Bischoff gets into it with a referee and kicks him in the head, fires him and leaves.
* Backstage segment with Brian Kendrick and EV 2.0. Rob Van Dam comes in and argues. Fortune comes in and tells EV 2.0 to finish each other off. Rhino goes to hit the Gore on Styles but accidently hits RVD.
* Sarita beat Velvet Sky.
* Segment backstage with Fortune.
* Mickie James and Ink Inc. defeat Tara and Generation Me. The heels attacked the winners after the match.
* Jeff Jarrett comes out and cuts a promo on Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe. Jarrett finishes but Joe comes out and attacks him. Jarrett's security comes out to stop him but Joe takes them out.
* AJ Styles defends the TV Title against Rhino and RVD in a three-way and wins. RVD and Rhino get into it after the match. EV 2.0 comes out and RVD gets into it with Raven. Tommy Dreamer vs. RVD is announced for Turning Point.
* Douglas Williams lost to Kazarian. Ric Flair was on commentary and Beer Money watched from ringside. Storm got on the apron and Williams ran into him on accident. Everyone got into it after the match but Flair came in and got them on the same page again.
* Eric Bischoff comes out and calls Mr. Anderson to the ring. Bischoff is announced as the TNA kickboxing champion. Borash has to do ring introductions here and has to insult Anderson reluctantly. Bischoff ends up beating Borash up. Anderson's music hits but Matt Morgan comes out instead. Morgan lays Bischoff out and pins him. Morgan signs the contract and says he will see Jeff Hardy at Turning Point. Ric Flair comes out and cuts on Morgan. Flair helps Bischoff out of the ring and to the back.