TNA Knockout Employed At Hooters + SD! Rating Is In
Partial Source: Pwinsider
– The November 5th episode of SmackDown! garnered a 1.82 (1.8) cable rating, with 2,772,000 viewers. That rating was up from last week's 1.68 and was the second highest number that the show has done since moving to SyFy.
– Brooke Adams, who performs as Miss Tessmacher, moonlights as a waitress at a Hooters restaurant just outside her hometown of Houston, Texas. She recently participated in the Hooters Texas Swimsuit Pageant Finals to determine the seven Texas girls moving on to the 2010 International Hooters Swimsuit Pageant Girls competition, but failed to make the cut.
– Mick Foley will be the Wednesday guest on The Daily Show this Wednesday on Comedy Central.
– The official lineup for TNA's return to the Asylum in Nashville, TN on November 12th will have the following:
*TNA champion Jeff Hardy will defend the TNA title.
*Flashback Match: TNA TV Champion AJ Styles vs. Raven
*TNA Tag Team Championship Match The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Beer Money, Inc. vs. Ink, Inc.
*D'Angelo Dinero vs. Abyss
*Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe
*TNA Knockouts Champion Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky
*Mr. Anderson returns to the ring and more.