Breaking News: ROH & HDNet Split

The deal between Ring of Honor and HDNet will end after the January ROH tapings in Philadelphia, PA at the ECW Arena. Those tapings will include episodes through April of 2011.

Sources with ROH described the reasoning for the parting of ways as the contract coming to and end. ROH commented, "Ring of Honor Wrestling would like to thank HDNet for the last two years, especially those behind the scenes that made it possible every single TV taping."

People had high expectations for the series, but it wasn't doing great numbers. It should be mentioned that ROH and HDNET have not ended their relationship completely. They are discussing a possible ROH special for 2011 and potential future collaborations beyond that.

The sources with ROH have made it known that they can look for a new TV deal and are already eyeing one currently. By all accounts, the split was a friendly one. After those final tapings on 1/21 and 1/22 in Philadelphia, they will take a break from running events in Philadelphia.

ROH issued the following statement in response to the story:

Ring of Honor completed its 2 year TV contract with HDNet. During this time "ROH on HDNet" fans witnessed many great matches, the introduction of the ROH Television Title, and the crowning of new tag champions, among other historical moments. HDNet will air new episodes of ROH until 4/4/11. Please continue to support ROH and watch these new shows on HDNet.

The final ROH on HDNet TV tapings are scheduled for January 21st & 22nd in Philadelphia.

