Jim Ross Blogs: Announcing The Royal Rumble, Swagger
Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry,ere are the highlights?
On Old WCW PPV Themes: Emailer...Why doesn't WWE utilize old, WCW themed PPV's? I assume just to be more original or contemporary. The titles of the PPV's seem to be being tweaked all the time but no matter the name of the event it is still and always will be the 'attraction' that sells PPV's not the title of the event. I do expect to see ALL the WCW PPV's and Clash of Champions events utilized when WWE launches their own network down the road. You might even see some of them monetized via DVD releases at some point in time.
On WWE Superstars: Someone suggested that WWE Superstars be utilized to feature WWE's younger talents. I thought that was usually the case. The talents who don't get much time on Raw or Smackdown often time end up on WGN America's Superstars broadcast. These are the times when talents really need to elevate their game, maximize their minutes and not look at wrestling on Superstars as be exiled or some form of 'punishment.' These are the moments that game day players go out and turn heads and make positive impressions. It's like playing on special teams for a NFL team or being the 8th or 9th man on a NBA roster...always maximize one's minutes and opportunities.
On Broadcasting The Royal Rumble: Emailer...there is zero chance at this time that I will be broadcasting the Royal Rumble match this year and that matter has never been discussed for the record. As a matter of fact, I'm going to watch the Rumble at home as I'm not traveling to Boston later this month. I'll spend my PPV bucks on the Royal Rumble just like many fans.
On Managing Jack Swagger: Emailer...I have less than ZERO interest in becoming former Sooner Jack Swaggers ringside manager. I'm not looking to travel full time nor do I know if WWE wants Swagger to even have a manager. I'm not sure if Swagger needs a manager but if it's the proper person then Swagger would seemingly standout that much more. Swagger needs to simply be more Lesnar and Angle-like and commence to imposing his physical will on all that he competes with in a WWE ring. Perhaps he's too nice and needs to become more of a nasty SOB.