ROH News: Major HDNet Issues, Crowbar's Future?, Corino

Partial Source: Pwinsider

– ROH producer Dave Lagana has a new blog up about the final ROH on HDNet tapings at

– The majority of the footage shot at the Friday night tapings will not make TV. HDNet was having generator issues, which caused major lighting issues. On Friday night, ROH was basically just sending people to the ring to keep the crowd happy while they attempted to fix the issues. What was taped on Saturday will be used to finish off the HDNet series.

– Steve Corino worked last week's HDNet tapings with a bad sore throat.

– Devon "Crowbar" Storm being brought in was a Jim Cornette idea. Storm has a family an a successful physical therapy business, and while he enjoys wrestling, could never go back to TNA or WWE. He is hoping to work regularly with ROH, on shows in his area, working an undercard role. He hopes to have good matches while putting over the ROH talents. As of this time, there is no word on if he will be back.

