WWE Superstars (Jan. 27th) - R-Truth Vs. Kidd, Reks Vs. Barreta & More

By Christerpher Beaudry

Crowd excitement mounts as the Royal Rumble is plugged. Trent Barreta's theme hits, and he enters the ring to mild crowd reaction. Matt Striker and Jack Korpela discuss the Rumble as Tyler Reks' music enters and he enters the ring. The announcers discuss Reks' stern personality.

Trent Barreta vs. Tyler Reks

Barreta starts off with some smack-talk as Reks circles him. Barreta gets a few punches and Reks exits the ring for a few seconds. Barreta works some solid offense, and Reks counters. Striker and Korpela continue discussing the Rumble as Reks tries and fails at an early pin.

Reks works on some submission moves, and the crowd is fairly receptive. Reks continues an aggressive offense to moderate crowd heat. He works Barreta's torso on the turnbuckle. Barreta counters with a few kicks. Barreta hits Reks with a clothesline, followed by a knee to Reks' face. Reks hits the "burning hammer" and gets the pin to a fair amount of crowd pop.

WINNER: Tyler Reks

Recap of this week's NXT

Commercial Break

Zack Ryder & Primo vs. DH Smith & Yoshi Tatsu

We return from commercial break, and Zack Ryder's music hits. He goes down the ramp accompanied by Primo; there is a moderate amount of heat from the crowd. Josh Mathews and Scott Stamford are now manning the commentary table. Upon entering the ring, Ryder and Primo grab the microphone, cut a promo, and mention how they're overlooked. The crowd is very responsive with a wave of boos. Accompanied by DH Smith, Yoshi enters as his music hits, and the crowd goes wild. DH Smith and Ryder start off the match. The two sort of roll around the ring for a minute, not using a lot of technique. DH Smith tags Yoshi in, and the technique of the match improves greatly. Ryder soon tags Primo into the match, and Yoshi tags DH Smith into play as well. DH Smith pulls some of his signature power moves on Primo, followed by some quick tags back and forth with Yoshi.

Commercial Break

We return from the break with a close-up of DH Smith's face in a headlock by Primo. Primo makes the tag to Ryder. Ryder comes out the door with solid offense toward DH Smith. Ryder puts DH Smith in his own headlock as the commentators discuss his potential. Ryder tags Primo in and keeps DH Smith away from making the tag to Yoshi. Ryder and Primo work on DH Smith as Yoshi is building up energy on the opposite corner of the ring. DH Smith finally gets the tag, and Yoshi explodes into the match with a dropkick on Primo, the legal man at the time. Yoshi follows up with a round of his signature kicks. Yoshi goes for a cover and Ryder breaks the count. DH Smith counters Ryder and attempts a powerbomb. Primo makes both men go over the top rope mid-powerbomb. He then turns around and gets a quick three-count pin on Yoshi. The crowd erupts with heat.

WINNERS: Ryder & Primo

Royal Rumble Promo

Commercial Break

Dolph Ziggler Promo

Royal Rumble Promo/Royal Rumble Facts

R-Truth's music hits and he comes out singing as always; the crowd erupts with cheers. Truth enters the ring, asks the crowd "What's Up?;" the crowd goes crazy as we go to commercial break. When we return we'll see Truth -vs- Kidd.

R-Truth vs. Tyson Kidd

Commercial Break

We return from break with Truth's music still playing. Kidd's music hits; he enters the ring with a cocky grin on his face as he gets a lot of heat from the crowd. Truth starts the match by taunting Kidd with a split. The crowd starts an "R-Truth" chant as the two men lock up. Kidd is very vocal with a scream after he hits a shoulder block on Truth. The two men lock up again, and Truth follows up with his own shoulder block. Truth does a dance and the crowd goes wild. Truth builds up some momentum with an arm drag, followed up with a clothesline that takes both men outside the ring.

Commercial Break

The Miz -VS- Randy Orton Royal Rumble Promo

We return from break with Truth in a headlock by Kidd. While the match is at a standstill, we see a recap of a top rope leg drop we missed during the break. Truth escapes the headlock, but Kidd follows up with a kick to Truth's head. Kidd puts Truth back in a headlock and screams for the ref to check Truth. Truth escapes the headlock yet again and out of nowhere hits one of his signature moves. Truth then gets a two count on Kidd. Kidd then starts for the offensive again and sets Truth up for the sharpshooter. Truth spins his way out of the move and sends Kidd outside the ring. Kidd makes his way back into the ring, and the two men exchange a series of two-count falls. The two men make it to their feet, and Truth hits his "What's Up" finisher and gets a three-count on Kidd. Scott Stamford on commentary mentions that Kidd is on a losing streak on Superstars. The crowd goes wild as the show closes with Truth dancing in the ring.


