Bret Hart Speaks - Cole/Lawler, Lay-Cool, Sunny/HBK/HOF

Bret Hart recently answered some questions on Twitter, here are the highlights?

On Cole vs. Lawler: "I hope Lawler rag, bags, and shags (that's british slang) him royally at WM."

On LayCool's Parody Of Him: "Yes, I did. They did a good job. Michelle McCool is such a pro. Despite her beauty, she can stay heel which is difficult"

On His Favorite PPV: "The SummerSlam PPV has always been a favorite. Almost always had a good match at that event."

On His Least Favorite PPV: "Survivor Series. The initial concept was lame."

On Sunny & HBK In The Hall of Fame: "It's kind of ironic. We're all enjoying sunny days again. haha ;)"

The Five TNA Guys that Would Do Well In WWE: "AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Abyss, Kazarian, Jeremy Borash"

