Jericho Calls Rock The Best Promo Man "Of All Time", Christan's Return

– Christian is advertised for the upcoming WWE SmackDown house show in Roanoke, VA on March 19th. According to the lineup, Christian will team with Kane to face the Corre.

– Arda Ocal of The Score Television Network and Right After Wrestling interviewed Chris Jericho recently. He was asked about The Rock coming back and how unfair it was for people to claim he 'buried' everybody in his returning promo. "It's unfair to say 'The Rock came back and he embarrassed everyone and he blew everyone outta the water' ? he always did!," said Jericho. "The only difference is in The Rock's time, he has Austin, Foley, Jericho ? there were guys that could hang at that level ? some of the best promo guys of all time. It's not that guys like Cena or Miz can't hang at The Rock's level, it just that he (The Rock) is so far above everybody else ? he always has been?as a promo man, The Rock is the best of all time!"

You can watch the full interview below or at this link:

Stephen Lewis contributed to this article.

