Superstar Billy Graham Health Update Inside

Scott Epstein, who handles professional wrestling affairs for Superstar Graham, sent out the following today?

For the past two weeks it has been rumored on the internet and other sources that WWWF champion Superstar Billy Graham was going to make yet another personal appearance for PMS at the HUGE LOTR upcoming convention this May in Jamesburg, NJ.

Please note that this information in INACCURATE, and as Billy's agent and personal friend for 38 years I have spoken with not only him daily, but hours ago with Dr, Hector Rodriquez, the liver specialist from the Mayo Clinic who is Superstar's doctor of record.

Dr Rodriquez does not like or approve of Graham flying across the United States at 35,000 feet due to a real possibility of what he termed as "Bleeding Esophageal Varice", or simply put a vein that is ready to and can rupture. This issue has been caused by Graham's 9 year ago transplanted liver along with complications of an enlarged spleen, symptoms that are not unusual 9 years after a liver transplant.

The doctor told me Billy is scheduled to come into the Mayo next month for some outpatient testing placing endoscopic tubing down his esophagus looking for potential varices that may be ready to pop and tie them off. Additionally, he is starting Graham on a regimen of Interferon, a chemotherapy medication which is known to slow down the downward spiral of the Hep C virus. If the Interferon works it could possibly give Billy some more years to his life", claimed the doctor.

Graham apparently is a very good candidate for this kind of therapy as he has a certain gene that makes it that much more effective. Road Warrior Hawk was on the same medication and it helped him tremendously with the Hep C according to Graham.

Says Superstar, "I'd rather be a live Legend than a dead one! "When I drove to LA last month I had multiple places to stop in case of a problem and I could have had a transfusion if needed at any of them. What can they do for me up in the air?"

For further info you may email Scott Epstein at

In addition, I have many unique photos autographed by Billy that I am slowly putting up on ebay but if you contact me personally I can let you know what I have and work out special prices for Fans, Collectors, and Wholesalers.

