Full ROH WrestleMania I-PPV Results - Night Two

Credit: Scott Slimmer

We are LIVE in beautiful Atlanta, GA. And I just got the strangest sense of d?j? vu?

The Kings of Wrestling are out first, and it looks like losing the ROH World Tag Team Titles has earned them the honor of curtain jerkin' this afternoon.

Tag Team Challenge Match
The Kings of Wrestling w/ Shane Hagadorn vs. Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly
Castagnoli and Hero jump Cole and O'Reilly before the match even begins. The bell rings, and it's Castagnoli and Cole to begin the match. Cole catches Castagnoli with a bulldog and makes the tag to O'Reilly. O'Reilly gets a quick backslide for a two count and follows up with a volley of slaps and chops. Castagnoli makes the tag to Hero, and hero traps O'Reilly in the corner and grinds his boot into the gut. Castagnoli gets the tag and hits a sweet gorilla press slam to the side (i.e., it almost ended up being a Death Valley Driver). Hero gets the tag and chokes O'Reilly against the mat in the middle of the ring. The Kings are clearly not happy about life at the moment. Hero connects with a forearm to the back of the neck and gets a two count, but O'Reilly shifts his weight and gets a two count on Hero. Hero makes the tag to Castagnoli, and Castagnoli goes to work with kicks to O'Reilly's midsection. Castagnoli traps O'Reilly in the corner and makes the tag to Hero, but O'Reilly manages to evade them both and make the hot tag to Cole. Cole levels both Kings with a double missile drop kick from the top and then rocks hero with a kick to the back of the head. Castagnoli rushes the ring to make the save, but Cole tosses him out of the ring. Cole hits a sweet slingshots head scissors takedown to the outside, and O'Reilly damn near kills Castagnoli with a missile drop kick from the ring apron to the guard rail. The action returns to the ring, and Castagnoli and O'Reilly get the tags. O'Reilly locks in a DEEP guillotine and grapevines the body. Hero tries to break the hold, but O'Reilly refuses to relinquish control. Cole super kicks Hero out of the ring, but Castagnoli muscles back up to his feet and kills O'Reilly with a pop-up European uppercut. Hero slides back into the ring, and the Kings destroy O'Reilly with a spin kick / bicycle kick combination. That's more than enough for Castagnoli to get the three count.
Match Result: Claudio Castagnoli defeats Kyle O'Reilly after a spin kick / bicycle kick combination.
Match Length: 9:17

Prince Nana and the Embassy are out first, and Nana grabs the mic. He announces that the newest member of the Embassy is? Dave Taylor!

Special Attraction Match
Colt Cabana vs. Dave Taylor w/ The Embassy
Cabana and Taylor lock up to start, but Taylor takes control with a cravat. Another lock up and another cravat follow. Cabana rolls out, but Taylor catches him with a head scissors takedown. Cabana rolls to the outside to catch a breather, and Taylor graciously holds the ropes for him on his way back in the ring. Taylor drills Cabana with a pair of shoulder blocks, but Cabana creates distance with a shoulder block. Cabana offers a handshake but slides into head lock, but Taylor escapes and drops Cabana with a European uppercut. Taylor locks in an arm bar and wrenches on the neck before muscling Cabana all the way down to the mat. Cabana fights back to his feet, ducks a clothesline, and peppers Taylor with a volley of jabs, but Taylor regains control with a single European uppercut. Taylor drops Cabana with a trip and wrenches on the leg. Taylor kicks the hamstring and drives his elbow right into Cabana's face. Taylor goes back to the arm bar / chin lock combination, but Cabana fights out and connects with a reverse flying ass in the corner. Taylor charges Cabana, but Cabana catches him with a quick roll-up for the three count.
Match Result: Colt Cabana defeats Dave Taylor with a roll-up pin.
Match Length: 6:34

Taylor gets a nice thank you chant from the crowd as he heads to the back.

Singles Action
Homicide vs. Tommaso Ciampa w/ The Embassy
Ciampa catches Homicide with a drop kick before the match even begins, and that's enough to piss off Homicide. Homicide tosses Ciampa to the outside and repeatedly slams his head into the guard rail. Homicide whips Ciampa HARD into the guard rail and slams his head into the ring post. Ciampa traps Homicide against the guard and connects with a volley of punches, but Homicide regains control and drops Ciampa neck-first onto the rail. Homicide rolls Ciampa back into the ring and drops him with a spinning back elbow shot. Homicide whips Ciampa to the ropes and catches him with a big belly-to-belly suplex. Ciampa rolls to the outside and Homicide looks for the tope con hilo, but the Embassy pop up onto the ring apron to prevent him from going airborne. Ciampa slides back in the ring, traps Homicide in the corner, and connects with a stiff knee shot to the head. Homicide slams Ciampa's head into the top turnbuckle and hits a series of mounted punches. Ciampa lifts Homicide and goes for a powerbomb, but Homicide keeps punching until Ciampa finally drops. Homicide goes for a lariat, but Ciampa ducks and connects with a lariat of his own. Ciampa taunts Homicide, and that's probably a bad idea. They trade punches in the middle of the ring, but Homicide eventually just tosses Ciampa out of the ring. Homicide follows, punches Ciampa, and jumps up onto the stage (maybe four feet above the arena floor). Homicide runs off the stage and levels Ciampa with a somersault senton. Homicide rolls Ciampa back into the ring and catches him with a tornado DDT. Homicide follows up with a belly-to-belly suplex and gets a two count. Homicide goes for the Ace Crusher, but Ciampa counters into a backbreaker for a two count. Ciampa goes for a suplex, but Homicide floats over and lands on his feet. Homicide drills Ciampa with a knee shot in the corner, but Ciampa regains control with some sort of corkscrew cutter. Ciampa goes for a powerbomb, but Homicide counters into the Ace Crusher. Homicide goes for Da Cop Killa, but Princess Mia distracts Homicide long enough for Ciampa to slip out the back. Ciampa catches Homicide with a Northern Lights Suplex and gets the three count.
Match Result: Tommaso Ciampa defeats Homicide with a Northern Lights Suplex.
Match Length: 9:48

Non-Title Match
Christopher Daniels (World Television Champion) vs. Michael Elgin w/ Truth Martini
Homicide is on fire right from the start and sends Elgin to the corner with a drop kick. Daniels connects with an elbow shot in the corner and a second elbow shot that sends Elgin to the outside. Daniels flies with a slingshot cross-body to the outside before rolling Elgin back into the ring. Elgin takes control with a dead lift suplex, but Daniels regains control with a chin breaker followed by an enzuigiri that knocks Elgin out of the ring. Daniels shoves Elgin toward the ring post, but Elgin just manages to catches himself and avoid contact. Daniels rolls Elgin back into the ring, but Elgin drills him with a flying missile shoulder block that sends Daniels sailing to the outside. Elgin pursues, connects with a stiff forearm to the back, and sends Daniels through the guard rail with a modified running spinebuster. Elgin rolls Daniels back into the ring and hits a gorgeous top rope flying missile shoulder block for a two count. Elgin hoists Daniels up into a delayed vertical suplex and gets another two count. Daniels regains control with forearm shots and a chin breaker, but Elgin sends Daniels shoulder-first into the ring post. Elgin heads up top and locks in a Boston Crab around the top rope. Elgin goes for another flying missile shoulder block, but Daniels just manage to slide out of the way and avoid contact. Daniels hits a volley of jabs and follows with a spinning back heel shot and a Northern Lariat. Daniels connects with a forearm to the back of the head and comes off the top with a boot to the chest for a two count. Daniels calls for the Angel's Wings, but Elgin shoves him to the corner. Daniels lands a back elbow shot, but Elgin catches him with a Pump-Handle Driver. Elgin hits the Oklahoma Stampede in the corner and follows with a spinning side slam. Elgin goes for the O'Connor Roll, but Daniels slides out and hits the STO. Elgin levels Daniels with a lariat and goes for the 360 Powerbomb, but Daniels floats over. Daniels blocks the referees view, lands a nut shot mule kick, and hits the Best Moonsault Ever for the three count.
Match Result: Christopher Daniels defeats Michael Elgin with the Best Moonsault ever.
Match Length: 10:21

Jim Cornett is out to open the second half of the show, and he grabs a mic on his way into the ring. He asks how many of the fans in attendance are seeing ROH live for the very first time, and he asks how many of the fans in attendance think that ROH is the best damn wrestling in the world. He thanks the fans in attendance, and he thanks the fans watching at home on iPPV. With that, the real reason he's out here is to get some comments from one of the hottest young talents in the business? Davey Richards! Richards makes his way to the ring, and Cornette asks him about today's dream tag team match between the American Wolves and Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team. Richards has a lot of respect for Benjamin and Haas. You don't get a name like the World's Greatest Tag Team by sitting on your couch and eating potato chips. They've plowed through the ROH tag team division, but getting in the ring with the American Wolves is a whole different story. Speaking of his brother Eddie Edwards, Richards wants to thank the crowd for the reception that they gave Edwards when he won the ROH World Title. People have been saying that Richards must be getting jealous, but Richards knows that Eddie Edwards is what this business and this promotion are all about. Cornette then asks Richards about the heartbreaking way he lost his title match at Final Battle 2010. He knows that Richards has gone undefeated since that loss, and he knows that Richards has said that his next title shot will be his next title shot. Cornette reminds Richards that ROH is a business. In the interest of selling tickets and creating interest worldwide, Cornette is offering Richards a title match against Eddie Edwards. "Make it happen! Make it happen!" chant from the crowd. Richards understands Cornette's position. The Wolves are down with fighting, and they'll even fight each other if it will make them stronger. But this is Eddie's time, and Richards refuses to be the guy to destroy his brother's dream. That brings Eddie Edwards out to the ring, so Cornette asks for his opinion on the situation. Edwards reminds us that the Wolves are brothers, and they are truly family. But Davey doesn't want to be the one to crush Eddie's dreams? That makes it sounds like it's a foregone conclusion that Davey will beat Eddie. So Eddie just wants to remind Davey that the one time they did wrestle, Eddie was the one that came up on top. Davey says that the future between Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards will write itself, but tonight is about tag team wrestling. Because you've got the American Wolves versus the ROH World Tag Team Champions. And so Edwards says that tonight, in Atlanta, THE HUNT IT ON!

SHIMMER Tag Team Title Match
Daizee Haze & Tomoka Nakagawa (Champions) vs. Hiroyo Matsumoto & Ayumi Kurihara
Matsumoto and Kurihara offer handshakes before the match, but Haze and Nakagawa aren't having any of it. It's Nakagawa and Matsumoto to start. Haze rushes the ring, but Matsumoto connects with a cross-body to both. Matsumoto makes the tag to Kurihara, but Haze again rushes the ring and connects with a kick to the chest. Haze finally gets a legal tag and pounds on Kurihara in the corner. Kurihara heads up top and catches Haze in that sweet over-the-top-rope cross arm bar that she used last night. Kurihara head up top and sets her sights on Haze on the outside, but Nakagawa runs along the ring apron and spits water in Kurihara's face. Nakagawa gets the tag and drills Kurihara for a two count. Kurihara regains control with a quick roll-up pin for a two count of her own. Haze gets the tag, locks in a side head lock, and makes the quick tag back to Nakagawa. Kurihara finally makes the hot tag to Matsumoto. Haze runs in, jumps on Matsumoto's back, and locks in the sleeper hold. Kurihara jumps on Matsumoto from the front to add mass, and Matsumoto drops both knees onto Nakagawa's chest with the weight of all three women on her. Haze and Kurihara get the tags, and Kurihara catches Haze with the back Stabber. Matsumoto gets the tag, but Nakagawa catches her with a missile drop kick from the top rope. Kurihara drills Haze with a uranage suplex, and Matsumoto follows with the Back Drop Driver for a LONG two count. That was the combination that finished off Sara Del Rey & Serena Deeb last night. Haze regains control and catches Matsumoto with a bridging Tiger Suplex for the three count.
Match Result: Daizee Haze defeats Hiroyo Matsumoto with a bridging Tiger Suplex.
Match Length: 7:32

Tag Team Grudge Match
Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. The All Night Express
The All Night Express are out first and seemed ready for the Briscoes, but the Briscoes come through the crowd and attack from behind. The action spills to the outside, and all four men are brawling at ringside. The Briscoes roll King back into the ring, and the bell finally sounds to start the match. King backdrops Mark back out to the floor but eats a super kick from Jay. Titus gets the blind tag and King assists in a slingshot shoulder block / slingshot leg drop / splash combination for a two count. We've now got an extra referee at ringside to help control the action. King gets the tag and levels Jay with an inverted atomic drop / lariat combination for a two count. Titus gets the tag and whips Jay into a leg lariat from King for the two count. King chops Jay's chest and rakes the back. Titus whips Jay to the ropes, but that gives Mark the chance to make the blind tag. Mark is all over Titus and is grinding him into the mat. The Briscoes drag Titus to the outside, whip him into the guard rail, and whip him head-first into the ring post. The crowd is once again less than pleased with the Briscoes newfound Machiavellian morality. Titus is busted wide open, and Jay rolls him back into the ring where Mark is waiting. Mark pounds on Titus' head, traps him in the corner, and bites Titus' forehead. Jay gets the tag, shoves Titus to the corner, and goes to work with chops and kicks. Titus struggles to make the tag, but Jay drags him back to the corner and makes the tag to Mark. Mark connects with a pair of head butts and rips at Titus' forehead in the corner. "You sick f–k! You sick f–k! You sick f–k!" chant from the crowd. Jay clears off the timekeeper's table as Mark hits a slingshot double stomp for a two count. Mark tags Jay, and Jay lands a face wash in the corner. Jay hits a clothesline in the corner and gest a two count, but Titus rolls into a crucifix pin for a two count of his own. Jay drops down to the mat and locks in a sleeper hold before making the tag to Mark. Mark opts for the ground and pound before stomping on Titus and making the tag to Jay. Mark takes Titus up top, but Titus shoves him down to the mat and connects with double knees from the top. Titus flies across the ring and FINALLY makes the hot tag to King. Jay appears to be legal as well, and King catches him with a high cradle suplex for a two count. King hits double knees in the corner for another two count. Mark and Titus rush the ring and slug it out in the corner. King places Jay out on the ring apron, and Titus connects with a SEX-FACTOR FROM THE RING APRON THROUGH THE TIMEKEEPER'S TABLE! Jay is busted wide open, and King and Titus work him over in the ring. Jay is spilling blood all over the place, but he still manages to super kick Titus over the top rope. Mark takes Titus up top and goes for a hurricanrana, but Titus slides out the bottom and dumps Mark face-first onto the top of the ring post. Jay and Titus are both covered in blood, and they slug it out in the middle of the ring. Titus levels Jay with a lariat, and both men are down as the referee begins his count. "This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!" chant from the crowd. King gets the tag and hits a spinebuster / springboard blockbuster combination with Titus for a two count. Mark takes out Titus, and that gives Jay enough time to catch King with the Jay Driver for the three count.
Match Result: Jay Briscoe defeats Kenny King with the Jay Driver.
Match Lengths: 14:49

After the match, Jay announces that these are the NEW Briscoes. They don't care what anyone thinks anymore, because they WILL NOT lose again in ROH. I think we can officially call that a heel turn.

SoCal Showdown II Rematch
Roderick Strong w/ Truth Martini vs. El Generico
Strong goes to work with an arm wringer and muscles Generico down to the mat. Strong stomps on the arm and applies a hammer lock. Generico traps Strong in the corner and grants the clean break, but Strong retaliates with a kick to the gut. Generico serves up chops in the corner, but Strong regains control with a boot the knee and boot the head. Strong goes back to work on the arm. Generico traps Strong on the corner and lands a volley of mounted punches. Generico hits a back heel kick for a two count. Generico pounds on Strong in the corner and goes for a some sort of springboard move, but Truth pulls Generico down to the floor. Strong distracts the referee and Truth works over Generico on the outside. Truth rolls Generico back into the ring, and Strong gets a two count. Strong hits a vertical suplex and gets another two count. Strong applies a side head lock on the mat, but Generico fights back to his feet and breaks the hold with elbows to the gut. Generico hits the ropes, but Strong levels him with a back heel kick to the head for another two count. Strong locks in a DEEP camel clutch. Generico escapes and roll to the ring apron, but Strong connects with a kick to the head. Generico and Strong brawl at ringside, and Strong whips Generico into the guard rail. Strong whips Truth into Generico to further the damage. Strong rolls Generico into the ring and gets a two count. Strong locks in a Full Nelson with his legs, but Generico shifts his weight and gets a two count on Strong. Strong whips Generico to the corner, but Generico catches him with a clothesline. Strong springs back up to his feet, but Generico catches him with another clothesline. Strong lands a kick to the knee, but Generico finds a roll-up for a two count. Generico catches Strong with a modified Michinoku Driver for another two count. Generico charges Strong, but Strong gets a boot up in Generico's face. Strong connects with a pair of clotheslines in the corner and follows with a backbreaker to the knee for a two count. Strong hits a knee strike to the side of the head for a two count. Strong goes back to the forearm shots, but Generico serves up a few of his own. We've got a forearm battle in the middle of the ring which devolves into a spitting battle. Generico lands a big boot and hits a swinging DDT. Strong rolls to the outside, but Truth pulls Generico out of the ring on the opposite side. Truth is thinking about flying and goes to hit the ropes, but Strong tries to get back in the ring an inadvertently low-bridges the top rope to send Truth to the outside. Generico flies and takes out both me before rolling Strong back into the ring. Generico hits the Yakuza kick and takes Strong up top, but Michael Elgin rushes the ring as Truth has the referee distracted. Generico takes out Elgin and drills Strong with the brainbuster for the three count.
Match Result: El Generico defeats Roderick Strong with the brainbuster.
Match Length: 16:12

Truth tackles Generico after the match, and Elgin goes to work with the ground and pound. Colt Cabana makes the save and tosses Elgin out of the ring. Cabana has ill intentions for Truth, but Elgin once attacks from behind. Daniels rushes the ring with the Book of Truth. He sets his sights on Elgin and Truth but instead drills Generico with the book. Daniels hands the book to Truth and hits Cabana with the Angel's Wings. "f–k you Daniels! f–k you Daniels! f–k you Daniels!" chant from the crowd. I think we can officially call that another heel turn. Strong retrieves a chair and hits Generico with a backbreaker onto it. Christopher Daniels has found the truth.

Tag Team Dream Match
The American Wolves vs. Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team
We get handshakes all around to start, and it'll be Richards and Haas to start the match. Richards and Haas circle each other, and Haas gets the quick single leg takedown into a front chancery. Richards slides behind and grabs a waist lock, but Haas reverses into a quick roll-up for a one count. Richards makes the tag to Edwards, and Edwards call for the tag to Benjamin. Haas obliges, and Benjamin quickly gets a rear waist lock into a front chancery. Benjamin is riding Edwards, and Edwards can only get to the rope to force the break. We get a test of strength in the middle of the ring, and Benjamin muscles Edwards down to the mat. Edwards counters into a hurricanrana, and we're back to a stalemate. They lock up and move to the corner, so Haas makes the blind tag. Richards calls for the tag, and Edwards obliges. Richards lands a double-leg takedown and works over the leg. Quick tag to Edwards, and Edwards locks in the front chancery. Another quick tag to Richards, and Richards sweeps the leg and rolls into an inverted Figure Four Leg Lock. Richards spins and bridges into the Muta Lock before making the quick tag to Edwards. Edwards punches the gut in the corner and makes the tag to Richards. Richards wrenches the arm and makes the tag to Edwards. Edwards comes off the top rope with a double ax-handle shot to the arm. Edwards wrenches the arm, applies a hammer lock, and makes the tag to Richards. Richards hits a top rope double stomp to the arm and goes for a cross arm breaker, but Haas clasps his hands to block. Richards applies a key lock and makes the tag. Edwards goes with a modified Fujiwara Arm Bar into a hammer lock before once again making the quick tag to Richards. Richards tries to whip Richards to the corner, but Haas reverses and instead whips Richards to the corner. That gives Haas enough time to FINALLY make the tag to Benjamin. Benjamin whips Richards chest-first into the corner and gets a two count. Benjamin hits a delayed gourd buster for another two count. Haas gets the tag and drives a knee into the gut. Haas whips Richards HARD into the corner and gets a two count. Haas cinches in the body scissors, but Richards rolls into a submission stretch. Benjamin rushes the ring to prevent a submission and then gets the legal tag. Benjamin drives his head into the? um? lower abdominal region. Benjamin muscles Richards into a Boston Crab, but Edwards connects with a boot the skull to break the hold. Benjamin makes the tag to Haas, and Haas drives a knee into the back for a two count. Haas applies a side head lock on the mat, but Richards escapes and hits the handspring enzuigiri. Haas rolls to the outside, and Benjamin rushes the ring to prevent Richards from diving. Richards sends Benjamin to the outside, and we get stereo suicide dives from the Wolves to Benjamin and Haas on the outside. Edwards rolls Has back into the ring, and Strong connects with an assisted diving head butt from the top. Edwards gets the tag and hits a monstrous chop. Edwards connects with a snap suplex for a two count and then transitions to a seated abdominal stretch. Haas counters into a crucifix pin for a two count. Haas tags Benjamin, and Benjamin lands a STIFF kick to the back of Edwards' knee. Benjamin hits the knee-DT and a spinning toe hold. Edwards gets the tag and continues to work over Edwards' injured leg. Edwards comes close to making the tag, but Haas gets a single-leg takedown and drags Edwards back to the corner. Benjamin gets the tag and tosses Edwards knee-first into the second turnbuckle. Benjamin locks in a leg bar, but Edwards makes it to the ropes. Benjamin pounds on the back and goes for a powerbomb, but Edwards floats over into a sunset flip for a two count. Benjamin connects with the Dragon Whip and makes the tag to Haas. Edwards creates some distance and hits a Code Breaker from the second rope before FINALLY making the hot tag to Richards. Richards takes Haas up top, but Haas connects with three head butts that send Richards back down to the mat. Richards heads back up top and goes to work with a vicious series of head butts of his own. Richards hits the top rope superplex but only gets a two count. Richards and Haas roll for a bit, but Richards ends up catching him in the Ankle Lock. Haas escapes and makes the tag to Benjamin, but Richards catches Benjamin with a crucifix pin. Richard repeatedly kicks the head in the corner, so Haas makes the save. Edwards chops Haas as Richards kicks Benjamin. Edwards and Richards hit stereo enzuigiris to Benjamin and Haas and follow with a double super kick to Benjamin for a two count. Richards hits the Alarm Clock with an assist from Edwards, and we've got stereo rolling German suplexes from Benjamin and Haas to Richards and Edwards. The Wolves reverse and hit stereo rolling German suplexes of their own. Benjamin and Haas reverse and go back to the stereo rolling German suplexes, but Richards and Edwards counter into stereo roll-ups. All four men are down in the middle of the ring as we get a "This is wrestling! This is wrestling! This is wrestling!" chant from the crowd. Haas and Edwards slug it out in the middle of the ring, but I have no idea if they're the legal men. I actually think Benjamin and Richards are legal at the moment. Edwards takes out Haas, but Benjamin gets back to his feet and damn near kills Richards with a vicious super kick.. Benjamin goes for the cover, but Edwards catches him with a super kick of his own. Haas hits Edwards with an Angle Slam, and Richards connects with a volley of forearm shots to the back of Haas' head. Haas counters into an inverted atomic drop, and Benjamin follows with a second super kick for a LONG two count. Benjamin and Haas take Richards up top, but Richards dumps Haas to the outside. Benjamin heads up top, but Richards sends him back down to the mat. Benjamin pops back up top with a big boot and looks for the superplex once more, but Edwards catches him with a kick to the head. Edwards assists Richards with a super lung blower from the top. Richards locks in the Ankle Lock on Benjamin as Edwards locks in the Achilles lock on Haas, but Benjamin and Haas kick out and send the Wolves into each other. Benjamin catches Richards with the Paydirt and FINALLY gets the three count.
Match Result: Shelton Benjamin defeats Davey Richards with the Paydirt.
Match Length: 31:58

All four men struggle to get back to their feet after the match. Richards is clearly disappointed with the outcome of the match, but all four men eventually shake hands and hug it out. Richards and Edwards have a bit of a disagreement about who is to blame for the loss, and tensions are quickly rising. Edwards rolls out of the ring and turns his back on Richards. Richards has gone from despondent to furious, but the crowd is still solidly behind him. Davey Richards finally climbs out of the ring and heads to the back as the show comes to a close.

Thanks again to Scott Slimmer for this report!

