More WWE Divas Not On Mexico Tour, Buy HHH Wrestling Ring, Gunn Interview
– In an update to our earlier post, Maryse and Kelly Kelly are also missing from the WWE's tour of Mexico this weekend. Maryse was in Southern California yesterday doing a photo shoot, while Kelly was in Los Angeles yesterday for The Maxim Hot 100 List Party.
– The original ring from Killer Kowalski's school that Triple H and others were trained in is on sale at E-bay at this link.
– Former WWE multi-time tag team champion Billy Gunn was a guest on Monday's Wrestling News Live at, hosted by JJ and Trey. Topics discussed with the former Kip James included his WWE career, splitting up the Smoking Gunns, RockaBilly, The New Age Outlaws and DX, the VKM angle and more. You can check out the interview at this link, it starts at the 15 minute mark.
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Sam and DP contributed to this article.