Over The Limit: Brie Bella Vs. Kelly Kelly (Diva's Championship)

The following is from our live coverage of WWE Over The Limit. To access our full coverage, click here.

WWE Divas Championship Match
Brie Bella (c) vs. Kelly Kelly

Kelly took the early advantage, even hitting a stinkface on Bella. Shortly after, Brie backdropped Kelly to the outside. Kelly landed on the apron, but was knocked off by Brie. Brie then took control of the match.

Bella worked over Kelly's left arm. Kelly finally was able to turn things around with a Lou Thesz press. Kelly stayed on offense and got a two count. Kelly stomped away on Brie, and the referee pulled Kelly back. With the referee distracted, Nikki switched places with Brie, beat Kelly down and hit an X-factor and got the three count.

Brie Bella defeated Kelly Kelly

