More Basebrawl Live Notes + IMPACT! Video Preview
– Here is a video for this week's TNA iMPACT! Wrestling:
– Sam Zafuto sent this in live notes from TNA's Basebrawl event in Buffalo, NY:
There are a couple notes I wanted to pass along from the Basebrawl this past Saturday in Buffalo.
JB announced that the Pope vs Matt Morgan match would air in its entirety this Thursday on Impact. Also the Gunner vs. AJ match was also taped for airing on impact. JB did the count down before the introductions for each match until we were "live" on impact.
Hulk Hogan came out to a Babyface reaction and played up to the crowd until he attacked Angle during the match. A lot of people around me had no idea why Hogan acted like a "bad guy". When he was run off by Beer Money there was a funny spot where Hogan mocked James Storm for being drunk and Storm than mocked Hogan by pretending to need a walker and then dropped the leg on his beer bottle.
Pope spent the intermission offering to sign autographs for women who would get topless. He found no takers that I saw.
Beer Money come across as stars, even with Roode not wresting.
TNA does a great job interacting with the fans from the moment you walk into the building until the moment you leave. Lots of sales, including the new Impact Wrestling shirt and 4 DVDs for $20.00.
There are over 13 pages of pictures from the event at