Rima Fakih's Tough Enough Elimination + UWF Card

– Rima Fakih spoke with LasVegasWeekly.com about the injuries she suffered during WWE Tough Enough. "I might have been the first voted off because I suffered three fractured ribs, scarred my left leg in four places, and my spine is now a little crooked. But don't say Miss USA is not tough enough! After Sunday night's show when I am no longer Miss USA, I will then have the time to start doing physical therapy for those injuries."


– On Sunday, June 26, the Urban Wrestling Federation will have their first Pay-Per-View "First Blood ." The lineup will feature the following matches?

Homicide vs. Eddie Kingston – UWF Title Bout Qualifyer.
Facade vs. Beastia – UWF Title Bout Qualifyer.
Murder-1 vs. Lowlife Louie Ramos.
The Dirty Rotten Scoundrelz vs. Ghetto Mafia vs. Ruckus & Grim Reefer.

