ROH Announces The 'Banning' Of Kevin Steen

Ring of Honor sent out the following today?

As mentioned in yesterday's ROH Newswire (, Ring of Honor officials were deliberating on how to handle the Kevin Steen situation after all of the?chaos?he caused at "Best in the World 2011". It was an issue hotly debated amongst management and eventually the following ruling was made:

"Effective today, Wednesday June 29th," stated ROH Executive Producer Jim Cornette, "Kevin Steen is banned from ever showing his face at a Ring of Honor event, and should any person or persons attempt to bring him into an ROH event, they too will suffer harsh consequences. In addition, actions will be taken in the future to censor any mention or reference to his name. He made his feelings on Ring of Honor well known on Sunday with one select curse word, and quite honestly I would use the same phrase towards him after that display. So as a result of this new rule, this statement is the last time you will see Kevin Steen's name mentioned by ROH officials, on, in our Newswires, in our Video Wires, or on a DVD release. Thank you."

