Cena Warns Riley, WWE House Show Canceled, More On Punk-Cena

– The WWE house show in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada on August 21st, 2011 has been canceled.

– We noted earlier this week that CM Punk and John Cena gave each other props after a RAW show in Australia recently, while Punk took some shots at the Rock. We had posted a bit of the footage earlier, however WrestlingINC.com reader Hunter Austad sent along a longer clip of the incident, you can check it out by clicking here.

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– John Cena recently wrote on Twitter that "A Ry needs to watch out for that green mist." The reason for that was because CM Punk nailed Riley with it in this video that we posted yesterday, featuring various WWE Superstars hitting their signature move on Punk:

Devin Cutting, Hunter Austad and Reject Smurf contributed to this article.

