The Latest On The Ric Flair Controversy Inside

Many media outlets have picked up the story that Ric Flair is looking to sue over the article. The outlets have noted that the health issues Flair complained about are noted in his own autobiography.


Regarding that statement the other day by Ric Flair's reps where he talked about suing over those alcohol related heart issues, and as people noted, that isn't new and he wrote about it in his own autobiography years ago, the issues were years ago and he had to take time off wrestling while they were treated.

He eventually came back and has worked for years now. He apparently got a clean bill of health or WWE would not have used him regularly for many years after that at his age. There is really no way he can sue over that given it's in his book and that would be a defense that there was no attempt at malice or disregard for the truth.

Once again, you can access the article at this link.


Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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