Reby Sky Claims She's No Rat - Details Inside
According to, Reby Sky is claiming that North Carolina police coerced her into providing evidence against Hardy which led to his arrest. Sky has claimed that police officers "intimidated" and "threatened her," which led to her showing them Matt Hardy's collection of prescription drugs. This was after Hardy was rushed to the hospital for an "adverse drug reaction."
Police obtained a warrant due to the information that Sky provided them. Sky claims that she returned home from the hospital to find police at Hardy's house. She then claims that they "threatened her with jail" if she did not provide more information following the investigation. It was then that Sky showed officers Hardy's "secret safe" containing prescription painkillers.
Sky went on to say that she never would have given police information if she knew they were accumulating evidence for a search warrant, and that she would "never do anything to put (Matt) in a compromising position with the law."