Rumor: Kurt Angle Pulled Over Last Night - DUI?

There are several unconfirmed rumors that Kurt Angle was pulled over last night and charged with a DUI. We have NOT been able to confirm this as of this writing.

From what we've been told, Angle worked a TNA live event at the Shenandoah County Fair last night and was pulled over shortly thereafter in the town of Front Royal, VA (Warren Co.). According to two unconfirmed reports, Angle had his car impounded and was taken from the scene.

We've contacted several media outlets in Virginia who are working with us to confirm/deny the story.

Here is one email report we got from Melissa Campell:

Ryan, I didn't realize that I would be the one to report on this story. I am talking to my brother as I type. He talked to the guy, JR King, who picked up Kurt's rental car. TNA wrestled at the Shenandoah County Fair last night. After the venue was over he got on to Interstate 81 N. from Woodstock. Not sure if the cop was sitting on 81 but he saw Kurt weave so he pulled him over. The state trooper smelled alcohol on his breath so he decided to give him a breathalizer and he blew a .06. Kurt weaved because he was texting and driving, so he was still legal to drive but the car was impounded anyway at JR's 24 hour towing in Strasburg. We are not sure if Kurt called someone to pick him up or if he was jailed!! The car was picked up from the impound lot some time today. If I get anymore information I will let you know. It may be in our local newspaper on Tuesday!!

Two other emails have basically confirmed this. More as we get it.

