Hulk Hogan's Settlement With Graziano Family Revealed

An article in the St. Petersburg Times reports that the lawsuit that Hulk Hogan and his son Nick settled with the family of John Graziano was in the $5 million range. Graziano was critically injured in the 2007 street racing accident that occurred while Nick was driving.

Graziano's mother Debra says she believes that about $1.5 million remains after their attorneys and hospital bills were paid. Her husband's lawyer said, "It's appallingly low. I was stunned. It's a tenth of the value I had anticipated." The article also states that Hogan said his net worth at the time was $32.4 million.

Debra said that John can't yet speak but can sit up by himself and is getting himself dressed. He is just starting to learn to walk again.

Source: St. Petersburg Times

