Shane Helms Benefit Show Report: Foley's F Bomb, Flair Rips TNA, Gunner, Edge & More
Thanks to reader Master B for sending in this report from last night's Shane Helms Fundraiser in Charlotte, NC:
The venue was close to a sell out. Ric Flair was there, as was Edge, Lodi, C.W. Anderson and Reby Sky (Matt Hardy's girlfriend).
Mick Foley was great. He really is a great entertainer. He owned the room the whole night.
Flair made a joke about the low ratings that TNA gets. He was talking about how he beat Foley, but Foley beat him in TNA, but that it didn't count because nobody watches TNA. He then said that he was only kidding and that he loved being in TNA and that they were great to him.
Mick Foley dropped an F bomb in regards to his wife's breasts. He stated that his wife had "big f—in" t-ts." Ric Flair yelled out B.F.T. Later in the evening when Flair took the stage, he mentioned how he never thought that he would hear Mick Foley drop an F bomb.
Mick Foley stated that when he and Flair had the cafeteria brawl, Flair dropped the best promo in the history of the industry. He stated that if that promo was on tape that they could have main-evented WrestleMania three years in a row. Shane Helms later agreed that it was an amazing promo as he was a witness to the cafeteria brawl.
At the end of the night all of the wrestlers (except Flair) took the stage for a Q & A.
When Edge was asked how he felt about his retirement, he said that he felt "relieved." He stated that every time they (WWE) called him to do something he felt unease. He said he felt retired.
Mick Foley spoke highly of WWE the entire night. He also made several Al Snow jokes.
Mick Foley and Edge demonstrated the white guy high five that he wrote about in his book.
Gunner stated that he hoped to work the WWE one day, which got a laugh from everyone. Mick Foley pretended like he was calling someone on his cell phone to report what Gunner had said.
Mick Foley asked the crowd if they heard the rumor that he was going back to the WWE. He then stated that he started those rumors.
Shane Helms seemed very humbled by the evening.
Close to a sell out. I believe that Shane Helms stated that they raised was close to $5,500 from the evening.
Only mention of the Hardys' was during the Q and A when Reby Sky was introduced. Someone from the stage yelled, "no Matt Hardy jokes."
The crowd seemed very into the night.
Ric Flair and Mick Foley on stage together were great. Both put each other, Edge and Helms over.
The only real mention of the evening to the "condition" Shane Helms was in at the time of the motor cycle crash was from one of the opening comedians. His joke was met with dead silence from the crowd.
Helms and Foley stated that the proceeds of the evening were not going to Helms pocket, but rather towards the making of a PSA produced by Shane Helms.
Mick Foley stated that nearly everyone in attendance also paid for the meet and greet.
Overall a great event, well done.