**SPOILERS** TNA IMPACT! Results For 11/3 & 11/10

Source: Todd Oblak and Pwinsider.com

Dark match:
Jimmy Rave beat a local guy

Intro of Announce teams

Week 1 (11/3)

TNA champion James Storm interview. Robert Roode comes out they have a love fest and say they'll tear it down tonight.


Madison Rayne and Gail Kim beat Tara and Brooke Tessmacher for the Knockout Tag Titles after Karen Jarrett interfered.

Garrett Bischoff talked, brought out Eric and apologized for this – then beat him up, bringing out Flair and Gunner.

Jesse Sorensen beat X-Division champ Austin Aries non title with a rollup.

Robbie E and Rob Terry out to call out Ronnie from Jersey Shore and Eric Young. Ronnie spears Robbie E then gets held by Terry and whipped. They set up tag match set for next week.

Bully Ray and Jeff Jarrett vs. Anderson and Jeff Hardy goes to a no contest when Scott Steiner interfered and the 3 Immortal guys beat down the faces.

Matt Morgan called out Crimson and challenged to a match for Turning Point and Crimson accepted.


Roode beat Storm for the title after a great match via beer bottle when ref was down. Big heel heat for Roode.

Week 2 (11/10)

Crimson beat Pope in a short match.

Gunner vs. Garrett Bischoff ended in a DQ win for Bischoff when Flair interfered.

Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorensen – a real quick match Sorensen won with roll of dice. Kid Kash brought a contract for a 3 way with him and Aries for Sorensen...then they fought until Aries came down and they beat down Sorensen.

TNA Knockouts Tag champs Gail Kim and Madison Rayne beat Velvet Sky and Mickie James when Kim hit finisher on Velvet.

Robert Roode promo. Big heat and "Cowboy" chants and he comes out. They brawl with security, D'Lo Brown, Al Snow and Simon Diamond out. Roode bails and Sting comes out and makes the rematch for tonight.

Robbie E and Rob Terry vs. Ronnie and Eric Young...funny spot where EY tagged in and ran around in a circle and accidentally locked up with the ref. Ronnie gets the pin on Robbie E.

Bellator CEO joins Taz and Tenay on commentary.

AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels...AJ has new music. Daniels grabs screwdriver and RVD comes out and takes it from him. AJ hits the Styles Clash for the win

Immortal (Jarrett, Ray and Steiner) vs. Anderson, Hardy & Abyss...Black hole slam wins it. Anderson legit hurt his left ankle/knee and limped out.


Rematch Storm vs Roode. Storm got jumped backstage but match still on...Storm hobbles out then dives at Roode then collapses...ref throws X and everyone looks concerned. AJ and Kaz out, Roode tries to help up Storm then rolls him up for pin and dives out. AJ challenges him for Turning Point and Sting makes the match.

