WrestleMania Kick-Off Party, Khali Legal Issues?, More

– The official WrestleMania 28 pre-sale ticket kick-off party will take place on Friday, November 4th at 7pm from Bayfront Park in Miami. Tickets will be available to purchase at the free party as well as food, music, a kids' zone and fireworks. Stars scheduled to appear include Rey Mysterio, Jimmy Hart, Sgt. Slaughter, The Bella Twins, Rosa Mendes and Kelly Kelly. The signing with Rey Mysterio will be limited to 200 people and a wristband policy is in effect. The Miami Herald has an article on it at this link.


– Media outlets in India are reporting that The Great Khali is in the middle of a land dispute there. Khali reportedly purchased land to build a wrestling school but a neighbor says his 1 acre of land is within the area that was purchased by Khali. Khali left to return to the United States after purchasing the land so police are investigating the land dispute. You can check out an article about it at OneIndia.com by clicking here.

– Jim Ross did an interview with Yahoo Sports, noting that he would be at RAW on Monday, but also stating that he has no idea at this time what the plan is for Raw on Monday regarding the Michael Cole challenge. You can check that interview out by clicking here.

