Breaking News: Christian Possibly Injured At WWE Event In Belgium
At tonight's Smackdown event in Brussels, Belgium, Christian appeared to have injured his knee during a match with Sheamus.
About four or five minutes into their match, Sheamus threw Christian into the ropes. As Christian came off the ropes, he attempted to slide under Sheamus' legs and instantly grabbed his knee. When he tried to get up, he limped. As the referee came to check on him, it was apparent that he was hurt. The referee said something to Sheamus, who proceeded to quickly hit Christian with the Brogue kick to end the match.
After the match, the referee gave the X sign as Christian rolled out of the ring. The referee and a member of security helped him to the back. It appeared to be Christian's right knee or ankle that was injured, and it looked pretty serious.
More shortly.
Frederiek Amerijckx contributed to this article.