Did Triple H Question The Katie Vick Angle?, Divas News

– Inspired by the recent surge of news surrounding former WWE Diva Stacy Keibler, Brooke Anderson will join Eve, Kelly Kelly and Alicia Fox in a WWE ring to interview them for a special segment on the syndicated tabloid television news program The Insider. The segment was scheduled to air on Wednesday's show, but will instead air today.


The official Twitter feed of WWE wrote Friday: "Tune in to @TheInsider tonight on your CBS station for @WWE Divas @EveMarieTorres, @RealKellyKelly & @AliciaFoxy! Check local listings!"

– Triple H was doing a radio interview this morning and when asked if he ever questioned a storyline, he noted that the one time he said "What are we doing?" was the Katie Vick angle with Kane. He also noted that at this point in his career, he sometimes just wants to entertain himself. "There have been times where I'll say something get crickets from the crowd but I got Shawn to crack so it was worth it," he noted. You can hear the interview at https://www.790theticket.com/jorgesedano.aspx

