Bret Hart Praises Big RAW Match, More THQ Issues
– According to Forbes, WWE video game partner THQisI facing de-listing by NASDAQ due to shares of the company's stock trading under $1 per share over the past 30 days. THQ has been issued a notice, stating that they have 180 days to get the price over $1, or they will be taken off the market. The stock is currently trading at $0.70 per share.
– The January 28th edition of WWE AM RAW scored a 0.41 (0.4) cable rating, with 547,000 viewers. The final WWE RAW rating will be out around 6EST tonight.
– WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart was pleased with last night's champion vs. champion match on RAW. "Kudos to both CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. Good match," he tweeted.