Evan Bourne Apologizes To WWE Fans - Details

WWE announced Tuesday morning that Matthew Korklan, who performs as Evan Bourne, has been suspended for 60 days for his second violation of the company's Talent Wellness Program. The RAW Superstar went on Twitter to apologize to fans for his latest infraction.


"Sorry y'all. Sometimes we become our own worst enemy," he tweeted Tuesday afternoon.

During Sunday's RAW Live Event at Oakland's Oracle Center, Bourne and Kofi Kingston lost the WWE Tag Team Championship to Primo and Epico. The duo lost to the Tag Team Champions in short order in their rematch on Monday's Raw SuperShow.

Meanwhile, former WWE announcer Todd Grisham, who now works as a news anchor for ESPN, took to Twitter to express his disappointment in the situation.

He wrote, "Shocked about Evan Bourne. Once could be chalked up to a bad decision...twice and there's a real problem. Hope he gets well. Great guy."

