Fit Finaly Talks WWE Hiring Models, Criticism Of Divas & More has an interview with Fit Finlay, who spoke about his son entering the business, learning the ropes, WrestleReunion and much more. He also spoke about working with the WWE Divas, here are some highlights:


Fans criticism of WWE Divas: "I do think it's unfair. I've had a great relationship with all the girls, we've trusted each other and I taught them quite a bit, and it was a real privilege for me to work with those girls and see them grow. But they're under a microscope, you know, and it's easy for anyone to sit at home and criticize. You can't look back at Moolah and all those other people and compare them. Wrestling has changed, it's different and it's just moved on."

WWE hiring models and turning them into wrestlers: "Those girls are so beautiful, and most of them are models, but every single one of them that I've worked with has got a passion to be in the ring. If they didn't – they wouldn't be there. I know nothing about football, absolutely nothing. And I can sit and watch and pull it apart, but I can't go in and do it. Opinions are like backsides, everybody's got one. I think the girls are very unfortunate that people try to pull them apart. They're not as good as this, not as good as that. Hey, here's my opinion: shut your mouth unless you try it."


Fans underestimating the girls toughness: "I've seen them all get busted open, you know. Trish dislocated her shoulder, or her elbow I think it was. Victoria slapped Beth in the face and broke her jaw, I've seen all sorts. And for someone to sit at home and pull the girls apart, especially girls doing this as a profession, as their job, they need to just sit back and enjoy it. As I said before, if you've never done it, shut your mouth."

Much more is contained in the interview, you can check it out by clicking here.


