Hulk Hogan: 'I Turned Down The Wrestler Lead Role'

Hulk Hogan recently claimed that he was offered but turned down the lead role in Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler, which Mickey Rourke won an Oscar nomination for. Hogan said that he was offered the lead role on three separate occasions and noted, "When the script for The Wrestler kept coming to me I said, 'This movie is so good if you put me in the film as a wrestler people are going to say, "No credibility, Hulk Hogan isn't a good actor", whatever Hollywood thinks of me'. As soon as they put Mickey Rourke in there I knew it had a chance, and he did such a great, great job it relit his career."

Hogan also claimed that he was offered the lead role in Highlander and that of Little John in Robin Hood: Men in Tights but turned them down as well.

Source: Digital Spy

