Jim Ross Blogs On Chris Jericho's Return

Jim Ross blogged about Chris Jericho's return in his latest blog entry, here is a portion of what he wrote:

"The return of Chris Jericho to Monday Night Raw in Memphis as the mystery person in the series of vignettes that aired on WWE TV has been met with a great deal of discussion from fans and pundits.

"For the record, I liked it. Also, to be honest, about half way through the presentation, I was having my doubts. Then I saw what I perceived that Jericho was attempting to accomplish and thought that his presentation was unique and certainly unpredictable.

"The theory behind producing an episodic, entertainment program like Monday Night Raw is to always provide some measure of a pay off, don't give away the farm, and to always make sure that the broadcast leaves the air with the fans wanting more and willing to return next week to see the 'rest of the story.'"

Much more is contained in Ross' latest blog including his "new look," his call with Bret Hart and more thoughts on Jericho's return and how Jericho spoke volumes without saying anything, you can check it out by clicking here.

Source: JR's BBQ

