Jim Ross Turns 60, Regal Hacked, Stephanie McMahon

– WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross turns 60 years old Tuesday. Happy Birthday JR!

– William Regal's Twitter account was hacked Monday night and several Regal-like sayings were published including "I love Dr Who," "Plonkers!," "I'm on a horse!," "Don't cross me!" and "Can't get the theme song from Eastenders out of my head." The SmackDown Superstar was able to regain control of the account and the false tweets were deleted.


– Stephanie McMahon joined her personal trainer Dave Palumbo Monday night on Heavy Muscle Radio. The synopsis reads "How is it like living in the spotlight of the WWE, as well as being a mother of three, and a hard training fitness enthusiast? It's not as easy as it seems, and Stephanie knows it's a fine balancing act." The revealing interview is available at https://rxmuscle.com/hmr-radio-show/4811-jefftheproducer-hmr-v15-4103.html

