Take Maryse To The Ring, Shelly Martinez Note, More

– There is an auction on eBay where the winner will accompany former WWE Diva Maryse to the ring at Saturday's Pro Wrestling Superstars Show at the Westin Los Angeles Airport in Los Angeles, California. The auction description reads: "The lovely Maryse needs somebody to walk her to ringside, and we don't have ANYBODY manly enough for the job. This is your chance to walk arm in arm with this supermodel and former WWE Diva. Don't get any crazy ideas that she'll be going anywhere but to the ring with you, we heard her boyfriend is pretty tough and lives locally." Details are at this link.


– For $10 you can see live streaming video of Shelly Martinez' experience this coming week at WrestleReunion in Los Angeles, California. She posted the following on her Tumblr page: "If you are not a member of ShellyMartinez.org aka part of the Funtime Gang and you would like to see the live streaming during Wrestle Reunion (Wed-Sat) you can have full access to the Live Stream page for $10. I will live stream from the hotel room, the event itself, my bikini opps, Danielle's bday party and whatever else I can. If you aren't around when we stream live you will still have access to the page to view the archives all Wrestle Reunion week. Send your $10 payment to shellymartinezcustomerservice@gmail.com via Pay Pal and you will receive login info/times. Already part of the Funtime Gang? Login info is located on the Video Chat page :)"


– This May, Mattel will release a WWE Legends action figure on King Kong Bundy via MattyCollector.com. There was an apparent trademark issue with the King Kong Bundy name as the February 2012 edition of WWE Magazine features an advertisement for the action figure and it is branded as "Bundy."

